Saturday, August 16, 2008


Dru took 3 more days of  vacation this week and we went to Boone, NC.  We stayed with his parents on the mountain top.  It felt like fall up there-not summer.  It was very weird to go from hot to very cool in just a couple of hours.  We spent this first day doing a photo session for our new niece.  It was so fun to get to see her.  She is only two weeks old and her name is Sydney.  The second day we went to Tweetsie Railroad.  It is a train/western themed amusement park.  I have lots of pictures to post from that (when I find time).  Quinn loved the rides and the train.  

So, as I am finding out is usual, I got home from "vacation" and just about had another panic attack.  This is new.  Humm, wonder why.  Dru says I have house-arexia.  I laughed when he told me that.  He said even when the house is clean I think its dirty.  Like I see the house through warped eyes.  

 I got Quinn a pink dance leotard at the Wee-Trade sale last week but I didn't show it to her when I got home cause I knew she would want to wear it right away and I wanted to wash it first.  I actually forgot about it and she was just going through the clean clothes basket and pulled it out.  She is now wearing it and dancing in the living room.  She is very good for a 2 year old.  We saw cloggers at Tweetsie and she came up to me a minute ago telling me she needs "those special shoes, the kind that tap"!  I told her I have tap shoes (mistake to tell her) and so she keeps asking me to get them out.  On that note-I better go get my tap shoes out.  She will be disappointed when she realizes her foot will not fit her.  :(

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