Thursday, May 22, 2008

2 month check up.

Welp, just a quick note to let all the people who care (grandparents I guess) that I took Asa to the doctor today for his 2 month check up and he weighed 13.8 oz. (85 %) and is 25 inches long (over the 100%).  The doctor thinks he has acid reflux problems so we got some medicine.  We will find out tomorrow if it works I guess.  If not, then we have another issue on our hands.  It was pretty uneventful so that's good.  
Next week we go for Quinn and I cannot wait to ask him questions about her.  She has not been to the doctor since she was 18 months old I think!  We have just not needed to take her plus we were going to a different doctor who told me she was too small and wanted to send Quinn to a nutritionist and have a million tests done on her blood.  I have so many issues about what she based that on that it angers me- but I will not even go into it.  We will find out if that is true or not next week.  
Anyway, Asa is good and growing like a weed.  He only has 5 more inches before he outgrows his car seat!! 

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